Publications and Presentations
“The Role of Empathy in Critical Reasoning and the Limitations of Medical AI Systems” (co-authored with Martina Favaretto, University of Toronto). The Journal of Medicine & Philosophy. (Forthcoming)
“A Peircean Approach to Programs for Routine Expansion of Belief.” Transactions of the
Charles S. Peirce Society. Vol. 57, No. 4 (Fall 2021), 409-33.
“Self-Understanding as a Working-Class Project: Mannheim’s ‘Objectivity’ and Judith Butler’s
‘Resistance’ by Way of Lukács.” Science & Society. Vol. 81, No. 1 (Jan. 2017), 73-97.
“Intersubjectivity of Dasein in Heidegger’s Being and Time: How Authenticity is
a Return to Community.” Human Studies. Vol. 38, No. 2 (June 2015), 243-59.
“Developing a New Justificatory Model for Political Liberalism: Modifying Rawls’ View in Response to Two Habermasian Criticisms.”
APA: Central Division, New Orleans, Feb. 2024.
“The Role of Empathy in Critical Reasoning and the Limitations of Current AI.” (Co-presented with Martina Favaretto, Indiana University).
APPE, Online Program, Mar. 2023.
“Moody-Adams’ Critical Pluralism and an Alternative Form of Moral Convergence.”
APA: Pacific Division, Vancouver, Apr. 2022
“Reevaluating Street’s Evolutionary Account and its Implications for Metaethics.”
APA: Pacific Division, Vancouver, Apr. 2019.
“The Role of Individualist Values in Morality.”
Indiana Philosophical Association, Indiana University, Nov. 2018.
“Levinas’ Conception of Speech and How it Founds Our Relation to the Human Other.”
Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Salt Lake City, Oct. 2016.
“Reinterpreting the Interrelation of Heidegger’s ‘Being’ and ‘Nothing’.”
Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Emory University, Oct. 2015.
“In Advocacy of Epistemological Communities.”
Florida Philosophical Association, University of South Florida, Nov. 2014.